フィリピン セブにある大学の一覧とリンク
University of San Carlos
University of the Philippines Cebu College
Cebu Normal University
University of San Jose-Recoletos
University of Cebu
Cebu Doctors' University
University of the Visayas
Cebu Institute of Medicine
Cebu Institute of Technology University
Centre for International Education
Cebu Technological University
College of Technological Sciences
Cebu State College of Science and Technology
Asian College of Technology
Southwestern University
University of Southern Philippines Foundation
Informatics Computer Intstitute Cebu Uptown
International Academy of Film and Television
St. Theresa's College - Cebu City
Whats the best school in cebu?
Top Engineering Schools:
1. University of San Carlos (USC)
2. University of Cebu (UC)
3. University of San Jose Recoletos (USJR)
4. Cebu Institute of Technology (CIT)
5. University the Visayas (UV)
6. University of Southern Philippines (USP)
Top Medical Schools [updated August 22, 2007]
1. Cebu Institute of Medicine
2. Cebu Doctors University
3. Gullas College of Medicine
Top Nursing School [updated July 27, 2008]
1. Cebu Normal University
2. Velez College
3. Cebu Doctors University
3. University of Cebu
4. University of San Carlos
5. Gullas College of Medicine
6. Cebu Institute of Technology
Top Law Schools [updated: July 22, 2008]
1. University of San Carlos
2. University of Cebu
3. University of San Jose Recoletos
4. Southwestern University
5. University of Southern Philippines
6. University of the Visayas
Top Education Schools
1. Cebu Normal University
2. University of San Carlos
3. University of San Jose Recoletos
4. Southwestern University
Top Maritime Schools
1. University of Cebu
2. University of the Visayas
Top Pharmacy Schools [updated: July 26, 2008]
1. University of San Carlos
2. Southwestern University
3. Cebu Doctors University
4. Gullas College of Medicine
5. University of Southern Philippines
6. St. Theresa's College
(Yahoo Answers, 2009)
投稿 (Atom)
フィリピン セブにある大学の一覧とリンク University of San Carlos University of the Philippines Cebu College Cebu Normal University University of San ...
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フィリピン基本情報 > 通信 > フィリピン・セブでPC・インターネットを使う フィリピンでiPad2(36000円〜)を手に入れる方法。 海外シムフリー版iPad2について フィリピンで買えるiPad2 black/white ...